Saturday, January 14, 2012

Friday the 13th strikes...

So yesterday began like any other Friday, but as my students reminded me, it was 'Friday the 13th'. The day continued pretty uneventful, until lunch time, when I went to reach into the microwave while chatting away to a co-worker and spill my hot soup all over my hand! Ouch!! I was in shock at first and went about cleaning it up, then the pain kicked in and I ran to the nurse's office (I swear she sees me more than half the kids) to get some ice and get bandaged up.

All is okay, and I will heal fine...but haven't my hands suffered enough? Almost a year ago, I slipped on ice and broke the other one!

I wish I could blame my injury on Friday the 13th...but I really am just that clumsy :(

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