Well, it's official-we're moving to the burbs! After 4 wonderful years in Brighton, an opportunity came up for us to rent out in the burbs and we're taking it. We're
hoping going to save lots of money in hopes of a future home/babies :) and Brighton is just not cutting it with the money-saving. The lots of fun, lots of walking, lots of shops, bars and restaurants-yes, money saving-no :(
Although we're super sad to see our Brighton days go, we know we're doing the right thing for our family (I guess this means we're growing up or something.....) and if you know me, you know I don't do well with change, but I really am trying my best. I'll be putting on my big girl pants and putting a smile on (or at least trying to) as we embark on the next adventure of our lives :) (See, I'm putting a positive spin on things!)
In the mean time, here's a sneak peak at our new apartment. Don't mind the mess, it's getting all cleaned, fixed and prettied up for our arrival :) I promise I'll have some after pics in a few days!
front entry way |
hallway to bedroom |
living room |
dining room 'nook' |
bathroom |
bedroom |
another shot of living room |
front door/entry |
dining 'nook' looking into kitchen |
kitchen-tiny! |