Friday, February 17, 2012

Counting down to February Vacation...

T minus 8 hours until February vacation!! No, it's not just the kiddos who are looking forward to this break.  These past few weeks have been stressful-nothing major, just the basic day to day challenges, but they do add up and this just feels like the perfect time to step back, reflect, and relax.

Speaking of relaxing....did I mention my Feb. vacation plans? My Mom and I are off on our 2nd annual girls vacation. Tomorrow we will be cruisin' to the Carribean.

I. seriously. can't. wait.

So, although I've been M.I.A for a while, and will be for another week, I promise lots of pictures and stories about our biddy adventures upon my return :)

Oh, and did I mention we're moving 3 days after I get back...yeah...more on that to come too!

Happy Friday! And for all the teachers-Happy February Vacation-you SO deserve it!!

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